Sunday 30 November 2008

My short Call of Duty 4 Sniping and a bit more montage

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Sniping Montage

So I've been putting some effort doing this, you can't imagine how hard it is to record and kill at the same time, especially with a sniper rifle.

Music used:
The first song: Paul Oakenfold - Ready Steady Go
The second song: Queen - Don't Stop Me Now

Saturday 29 November 2008

Left 4 Dead review !

So Left 4 Dead came out not a while ago, SO LETS REARVIEW IT!

So Left4Dead is an co-operative, first-person shooter game.. Or something like that.
Thats means IF YOU GO RAMBO, YOU DIE! Cause hordes of starving, man or women eating zombies will jump from roofs, brake their necks, ribs, legs and still run at you. So there are 4 survivors : Bill, Zoey, Louis and Francis. And ofcourse there are zombie bosses that i'll describe now:

The Tank - A zombie that ate too much steroids cause he didn't find any meat.

The Smoker - An idiot which died from lung cancer, and now he catches people with his tongue ( no idea why ) and when you kill him, he explodes and lets out some kind of smoke that you can't see through and that damages your health.

The Boomer - Was known as Don Vito in the old times, a fat basstard that barfs on you, if he doesn't miss you can't see anything and hordes of zombies start running at you because of the scent, and if you shoot him he explodes all over you and the same happens ( so shoot him from high range you idiot! ).
Heres an in game pic of him ready to rape you:

The Hunter - A white guy that probably tried to rap in real life, but failed ( because of the hood ). Some black guys probably killed him and he woke up as the hunter, that jumps on people and starts raping, I mean tearing you apart and if your teammates don't help you he kills you. SO DON'T GO RAMBO YOU IDIOT!

And the BITCH! I mean umm... Witch - A prostitute that cries in a corner cause she didn't get paid, and if you disturb her she basicly ONE SHOTS you ! Remember if you see her, turn ON your flashlight and go near her, then start flashing it at her, that should scare her away (or not).
There are four ways of escaping in the game : Through a hospital, an airport, a corn field, and a... I don't remeber...

GRAPHICS: Nothing really special, but pretty good none the less, almost any computer could run it that has 1GB ram or more.
SCORE: 7.0

CONTROLS: Same as in all games with the Source Engine, really easy to get used to.
SCORE: 10.0

SOUNDS: The sounds are really good, the music really fits the zombie scene, and the music changes when some of the zombie bosses attack you thats pretty cool also.
SCORE: 9.8

STORY: There basicly is no story, just shoot at hordes of zombies and survive till the end.

OVERALL: Its a pretty nice game, not a big choice in weapons though, but its a perfect FPS, for zombie game fans.

SCORE: 8.0

The newest FPS games require just too much.

Todays games are requiring more and more

Today we'll talk about the newest FPS games, that our low-medium end machines can't take on. Those idiots are creating games with super requirements and not all of us FPS lovers, have those. The only respectible creators of FPS games are Valve, but they *bleep* everything up with steam.
Lets look at 2007 games like Crysis it doesn't need a very good computer to run it, but you can't run it without lag unless you have a good one, and lets look at FarCry 2 which requirements look phenominous. Like WTF with the requirements ? Soon every little game will require an ultra turbo radioactive cooling PC, with 7 cores and 50GB ram, not all of us can afford PC that cost over 2000 dollars, euros or pounds. And we have
lifes, not like this guy:


The statistics and facts of Call of Duty and Counter-Srike players.

We have been observing and questioning a lot of Call of Duty and Counter-Strike players for 2 years now, and we have some interesting facts about them.

The Knifing Facts

The Counter-Strike knifing facts and statistics:

As we have been observing how people love to knife their enemies we found out the hideous secrets of the " Knifer's ". Statistics show that 77.9% of CS players love to knife people and will never give up an opportunity to do so, and then we shockingly found out that 67.9% of the people are homo-sexual. Here is one of our conversations :

- The Questioner: How often do you play Counter-Strike ?
- CS Player says: Almost every day, mostly when i come back from work.
- The Questioner: Do you like to knife people in Counter-Strike ?
- CS Player says: Yep.. Especially when i stab them in the *blank*, Its just too funny.
- The Questioner: Is it just funny ?
* CS Player says: Well not just, i mean....
And this is where our conversation ends.

Now, the Call of Duty knifing facts and statistics:

We have been observing Call of Duty players for some time now, and these are the facts about the CoD " Knifers " : Our statistics have shown that 95% of CoD players love to knife people, and 94% of them fail at it.

Other facts:

Call of Duty

45% of Call of Duty players love to use the sniper rifle.
40% of them fail at using it.


73% of Counter-Strike players love to snipe.
67% of those players fail, though it doesn't require any skill.

This is what we found out about the players of two famous FPS games in 2 years of research and questioning.